Community Resources
SCDI offers a variety of programming throughout the community. Learn more about our core program areas below.
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The Scholarship Prep Academy
Founded by Ruth McConnell and Stephanie White-Thorn, the Scholarship Prep Academy prepares high school students for collegiate enrollment and helps them acquire funds for college.
Young Lions of Alaska Program
Created to serve minority youth, the Young Lions of Alaska Program seeks to address the alarming rate of disproportionate arrests of African American males.
ACES Awareness & Prevention Program
This program raises public awareness of ACE’s and the effects of ACE’s throughout the community. The program provides an opportunity for participants to assess their ACE score, provide education regarding impacts and effects of ACEs.
The STEM Program
SCDI's Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and Digital Arts program seeks to introduce youth to the fields of STEMA. They will participate in the projects that will foster their interests in the STEMA field.

The academy puts together workshops that demystify the college application process and provides one-on-one essay writing tutoring sessions for college and scholarship applications. It also provides test taking strategies for the ACT and SAT college admissions exams. They will also help high school students put together a scholarship application portfolio to help standardize the process for applying for multiple scholarships.
Call or text (907) 227-5616 for more information and enrollment.

The alarming rate of disproportionate minority youth, in particular African American males within our criminal justice system is why SCDI continues to focus a majority of our energy on our youth through the Young Lions – a mentoring program.
Call (907) 276-6673 for more information or click here to learn more.

Recognizing the need to increase the number of minorities in the sciences, technology, engineering, math and digital arts industries, SCDI's STEM program seeks to introduce and advance minorities into these fields.
Contact us for more information.

The SCDI Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) program helps raise public awareness of ACE's and the effects of ACE's throughout our community. Focused training and family strengthening sessions as well as a trauma practice session help provide information about ACES and provides families with tools of support through proven research and evidence-based information. Contact us for more information.

SCDI is working with Shiloh Community Housing, Inc (SCHI) which helps our community in the area of housing and financial assistance for housing. SCHI offers several programs including, rent and utility assistance for eviction and utility shutoff prevention, first/last month rent payments to secure housing as well as offering affordable housing for low to moderate income earners.
Visit SCHI to learn more.